Wheelchairs & Walkers
Reclining Power Wheelchair-TM401
Power Wheelchair-TM201
Power Wheelchair-TM101
Camel Hope Power Wheelchair-TM301
101 Manual Wheelchair
102 Manual Wheelchair
505 Ultra Lightweight Power Wheelchair
507 Carbon Fiber Lightweight Power Wheelchair
508 Reclining Power Wheelchair
603 Lightweight Power Wheelchair
Manual Standard Wheelchair-MW01
Mobility AIDS and Equipment
Is disability a hurdle in being independent in your life? And you are very worried about it it as you don’t want to be dependent on others. Well in this case the only solution for you is mobility AIDS. Yes mobility AIDS we are providing is specially designed for making you feel independent and increase your confidence along with self-esteem. We thunder mobility is the best company for manufacturing and providing the best mobility AIDS is proud that we are nearer to our aim.
What Mobility AIDS are Available?
Mobility AIDS that we are providing are not only helpful for handicapped people but also for our older’s use and their help. We (thunder mobility) aimed to design and manufacture mobility AIDS to the extent that it would make handicapped people and older’ life easier and free of help from others. For this purpose we don't have only a few mobility AIDS we have different types of mobility AIDS available each with a lot of benefits.
Types of Mobility AIDS
These mobility AIDS is designed for several purposes and is very beneficial for all the users as they reduce the, increased confidence and self-esteem, and also make you feel independent. These types of mobility AIDS available differs based on how they are designed and the functions performed by the different parts. All the types of mobility aid are different from the rest based on their design and working of parts.
Now let's talk about the types of mobility AIDS we thunder mobility is providing. These types of mobility include:
Mobility scooters
Wheelchair Accessories
Walker Accessories
Scooter Accessories
Transfer Aids
Crutch Accessories
Which Mobility AIDS Suits you The Best?
Now the very first question that arises in your mind is that which mobility aid is required by you. Well, this depends upon the mobility issue or injury you have based on which you can select the most appropriate mobility 8 among the others designed by us (thunder mobility). Here are the details of different types of Mobility AIDS which will help you to choose the one that will be suitable for you.
Here comes the first type of mobility AIDS we Thunder mobility is providing, that supports your body’s weight. According to the research, it’s also found that 1 in every 10 adults uses a cane at the age of 65. Canes and crutches are similar but canes take less weight off the lower body than that crutches. The overall pressure is on the hands and wrists while using canes.
The canes that we ( thunder mobility) designed are especially for older people but can be used by adults and children after their injury. As canes help to walk easily as they transmit the load from the legs to the upper body. All those who have a fear of falling or face difficulty in balancing while walking must use canes.
People who are having short-term injuries or permanent disabilities are recommended to use crutches. As crutches help in keeping the person upright as it transfers the weight to the upper body from the legs. The interesting thing is that it can be used singly or in pairs depending upon your body’s need to balance.
If you can’t stand on your own then the only mobility AIDS that suits you is a walker that is well known as Zimmer Frame as it’s construction is by the use of metal framework. These walkers are of four legs which adds extra stability and support to the user while walking. About 4.6% of the adults use walkers at the age of 65 and above as it is to supportive for the body of the uses while standing and walking.
Walkers are further categorised into different types depending upon there construction and use. Some workers also have wheels or glides in the base of the legs this this makes it easier for the user to slide the walker rather than lifting it.
People having swear disabilities or the one who can’t cover greater distance on their own or by the shoes of walkers must be worried about themselves. Well for such peoples the best solution is having wheelchairs as wheelchair help to cover distance easily and comfortable free of any pain.
Wheelchairs are further categorised as manual and electronic one having manual makes you dependent on someone to push your wheelchair for you. But having electrically powered wheelchair will let you live and independent life and free of others help as you can operate your wheelchair yourself.
Mobility scooter
There are many people who are without the upper body strength or flexibility that is needed to use a manual wheelchair for them we have designed mobility scooter.
These mobility scooters having seeds on top of either 3, 4, or 5 wheels are similar to that of wheelchairs. Mobility scooters are having handlebars and steering wheels for controlling directions and it is typically battery powered the users rest their feet on the footplates.
We work hard to make a life of people easier who are facing difficulties in their lives due to disability or some injury. We thunder mobility are trying our best to fulfill your needs that are our aim that is trying to achieve.