Carospeed Menox

Availability: In stock
  • Universal hand control for accelerator and brake.


Carospeed Menox Driving Hand Control

The Carospeed Menox offers a universal, floor-mounted hand control system that is not specific to any car model, translating the accelerator and brake pedals into an intuitive hand-operated mechanism; you pull to accelerate and push to brake. The advanced design of the Menox ensures that each control is ergonomic, matching the natural motion of a person's hand, wrist, and arm.

Equipped with a hill holder, the Carospeed Menox handle allows the brake pedal to be securely held down, freeing the driver's hands at traffic stops to shift gears or adjust the radio. Additionally, Cruise Control is included to minimize muscle fatigue and enable the driver to focus more on the road.

Designed to complement car interiors, Menox hand controls offer a broad selection of upholstery options, enabling the Carospeed Menox controls to integrate seamlessly with the vehicle's design without drawing attention.

The Carospeed Menox is characterized by its simplicity and durability. Its installation requires minimal hardware, ensuring ample legroom for the driver and avoiding interference with knee airbags.

  • Ergonomical motion that conforms to a person’s natural hand-wrist-arm motion
  • Highly adjustable to individual needs
  • Available in many colors to match your cars interior
  • Can be installed in most vehicles (not car specific)
  • The electrical cables are concealed under carpeting and behind panels; no holes need to be drilled
  • Recommended for use with automatic gearboxes only



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